Spanish Village in Balboa Park


There are a lot of places for having fun in San Diego, but Spanish Village Art Studios is something special.

Spanish Village is a part of Balboa park, it's located off El Prado and really close to San Diego Zoo.

It's a place where you can have a cup of steaming hot coffee with strong aroma, while contemplaiting local art. Here's an unusual portrait of a bearded man, he is all flowers. So bright and vivid. Keep walking, here's pottery...Figurines, metal sculptures. So much exciting stuff!

One of the most recognized part of this place is multi colored tiles and doors. So many of them, and behind each there's some mystery. 

The shops open at 11, but the doors open a bit earlier - at about 10:30, and close at 4. If you plan on having a photo session in Spanish Village, plan accordinly, since once the doors are open it won't look the same and, you might be in the way of customers and craftsmen. So the best time for shooting there would be before 11 am and after 4pm. 

Note that according to the rules of the park, you cannot move flower pots, block the shop entrances, or interfere with the visitors. Just use your common sense and respect the others.

For commercial photography purposes you'll have to obtain a photography permit. 

